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    Salvequick: The game continues.


    How to launch a brand using the greatest insight, the Love for childhood games.

    Client: Salvequick
    Markets: Europe

    Salvequick is the market leader and almost synonymous with plasters and wound care in many European countries, selling plaster-boxes around the world. Salvequick products can be found in most homes, schools and workplaces all over Europe, especially in Sweden, the origin country. Over the years, Salvekvick has changed name to Salvequick and the assortment has been renewed and developed continuously.

    Handsome Advertising was chosen for the launch of Salvequick products on a regional market ( Romania), through our partner Maresi Foodbroker.

    The game continues.

    The best way to do marketing is to connect emotionally with customers and to use relevant target insights. If you also appeal to nostalgia, the brand becomes “a love brand”.
    People remember the games of their childhood and they would love their children to play more outside, to replace computers and smartphones with outdoor games.
    We thought of reviving in the minds of mothers (80% of the Salvequick market) the games of childhood and the desire to see their children playing outdoor games again.
    Thus, we have searched for the most famous games from the 70-90s, the years when active mothers were children. We discovered a collection of games and we have launched one of the campaigns that we fell in love with.
    The campaign had two components:
    • A film was made that was promoted on social media
    • We managed to involve the community of bloggers and vloggers, who entered our campaign, most of them because they considered the campaign much more than advertising a brand. It is about an attitude related to children, play. It is about life.

    The bloggers received a Salvequick package and an invitation to bring their favorite childhood games back to trends. The greatest awareness for retro games was made by Handsome and Salvequick. Kids of the new decade had the chance to play their parents games.
    More than 200 bloggers have created articles and posts in social media (Instragram, Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin).

    The campaign had a national echo and marked the introduction of Salvequick on the new market.

    Handsome Advertising also managed Salvequick’s social media accounts on the new market. Salvequick having partnerships with Disney, DC Comics and famous toy manufacturers, Handsome had the opportunity to create content using the well-known characters.
    Today, Salvequick is among the top consumer choices, being present in almost all supermarket and pharmacy chains.

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